Thursday, April 3, 2014

April 3, 2014

I want to scream out loud.

Just a little bit.

The other customers at the Coffee Bean might be disturbed by the blood curdling sound - the expression of my frustration.

I started out with good intentions. The best really.

I had collected some things, during the sorting and organizing of Mom’s accumulated possessions, only those that we had agreed could be donated to St. Vincent’s (one of the local charities.)

I set out this morning, after dropping Harry at Miss Margie’s, to do just that.

Just after I arrived at the back door where the donations are left in the sorting area, another woman came with a trunk full of children’s games and clothes. She quickly loaded a four-wheeled cart, but stopped just behind my 4Runner.

“Do you want to use this?” she asked.

My plan, which in hindsight I should have stuck to, was to take the boxes one by one or stacked two to a load through the door and into the sorting area. Instead, I accepted her offer.

“O.K.” I replied, “I guess I could finish filling that up.”


The cart was unwieldy at best. I pushed it right and it went left.  I gave it a shove straight ahead and it veered sharply in another direction.

I battled the cart to the door and then turned to open the heavy steel door. As I pushed backward, my coat sleeve (just at the inside elbow) got caught on the hinges.

And then it happened, that most unfortunate sound of fabric giving way...torn and ripping. 

I let out a little yelp.

Suddenly, I was losing feathers like a large goose during a heavy molt.

Feathers were flying everywhere!

I said a few words…loudly. Looked around to see that no one was near and repeated them, louder still.

Those words, most certainly, I wouldn’t want Harry to repeat.

I finished battling the cart into the warehouse, parked it inside and quickly left, still repeating those words, muttering like a crazy person under my breath.

I had a roll of packing tape in the back of the 4 Runner and managed to fasten a small piece of tape over the gaping hole near my elbow. That would stop the flow of feathers for the time being, while I thought of a way to repair the damage.

I’ve sewn some things in the past. Small repairs to knit gloves or replaced buttons, but this was a task for a professional.

I remembered the dry cleaners, just off "the square". Badger cleaners, same day service.

I drove quickly to the storefront, explained my dilemma to the woman behind the counter. 

“Yes, we can fix it.” She assured me. “In 7 to 10 days.”


She told me about a dress shop, down the street, around the corner called Specially Hers.

“They have a seamstress there every day.  Maybe she could help you.”

“Terrific. I’ll try them.” And off I went after she offered me a new piece of tape to cover the damage. I had removed the original piece when explaining my dilemma.

When I got to the door, I gave it a tug, but it was locked. A woman (who reminded me of a tall, brunette version of Dolly Parton) quickly came to the front door and unlocked it, smiling.

“I got busy with the receipts and forgot to unlock the door. What can I do for you?” she asked, at first excited to have a customer, I think, and then quickly, seemingly perturbed when I told her my story.

“Well the seamstress doesn’t get in until at least 10 a.m.  She has to work late tonight, till 8 p.m. You know it’s best to call before you come by.” She explained, fairly annoyed.

“Yes, I understand that, but I didn’t know that this was going to happen, did I?” I countered.

“Oh, right…of course.”

I assured her that I would go find something to do until 10 a.m. and then return to see if the seamstress could help me.

“Well, I wouldn’t count on it, though you can try back. It’s Prom season you know and she is very busy.”

Of course. Prom season. How foolish of me to forget.

Back to the Coffee Bean (the corner coffee shop) for my second Cappuccino of the morning. I’m pretty sure that makes 4 shots of espresso so far, all before that magic hour of 10 a.m.

I took my big, lime green cup and walked over to a small table by the window, leaving a trail of fine white fluffy feathers floating effortlessly in the air behind me.

As I sat down to write, I realized that I didn’t have my glasses. (I also didn't have the power cord for my computer, nor the connectors to back up Harry's iPad and my iPhone, all things on my "To Do list.")

I have FOUR pairs of glasses, now that I’ve found the pair that spent the winter under 3 feet of frozen snow. Every single pair is sitting somewhere at home.

I’m using “spell check” but I really can’t be held responsible for typos at the moment…

It’s just that kind of day.


Cappuccino at the Coffee Bean.

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