Thursday, April 10, 2014

April 10, 2014

I got an email yesterday from an old college friend.

The subject line said, "How's Paula?"

I chuckled. 

It's the content of the email that made me grin from ear to ear!

There is a new job posting at the organization of my dreams...the job that I started thinking about when I was in high school.

It's my dream employer that I actually featured in my high school Valedictory speech.  

It's the job that I've thought about endlessly year...after year...after year.

Dreamt about.

Ironically, it's the position that I applied for about two years ago, but that went through several iterations - at least three changes of job description - before it was given to a young talented woman.

She is leaving that job. And now they are looking for someone...again.


So, I wrote a new cover letter.  Tweaked and massaged it lovingly. 

Then sat down as I have many, many, many times in the past several months and I applied online.

Applying to the ether is what it's all about these days. A bit impersonal and sterile.

I am assured, by the automatically generated explanatory email, that my application has been accepted.

"Thank you for submitting your application for employment with X.  If your skills and qualifications match the requirements of the position, a representative from X will contact you. Unfortunately, due to the large volume of resumes that we receive, we are not able to speak to or meet with everyone.  Once a position has been filled, it will be removed from our website.  

Good luck and thank you for your interest in X."

Now comes the hard part.


And while I'm waiting for that one.  I continue waiting for the other one.

I had my second interview for it this week.  I think it went really well, although I've been reworking it in my head, changing some of my answers.

Geez, "I wish I'd said that." Or "What was it that I said when they asked me that question?"

It was about 50 minutes long.  A video "chat." 

They asked good questions and let me talk about my experience and how it would translate to the position. 

It's nerve-wracking, though. 

It's difficult.

The challenge is trying to sell who you are and what you have done, after almost 30 years of a successful career, when you don't really like talking about yourself. 

And all that on a video screen.

And there is a delicate balance to strike of not sounding just egotistical but just plain qualified.

I have reached 10 months of unemployment and I am SO ready to work again.

In the meantime, I continue my chores and odd jobs that are self-assigned.

I raked around the exterior of the house yesterday. The 60-degree weather calling to me like the siren song of the Greek mythical creatures who lured nearby sailors with their enchanting music and voices to the rocky coast. 

Rocky coast, leafy lawn...very similar.

As long as I was enjoying the weather, I thought I should be productive.

The flower beds at the base of the house had been covered with layers and layers and layers of leaves to protect whatever might bloom there in better weather; flowers, ferns and ivy.

Seven more wagon loads to the woods! 

I have never seen so many leaves. Nor raked so many.

Mom went outside briefly last night to rake the area where we planted crocus bulbs last fall. (Yes, unbelievably, I have been here long enough to be within the growing cycle of the crocus.)

I think I'll finish raking and removing the leaves from that area this afternoon.

After lunch.

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